Tiesto je bez pochyby jedným z najväčších DJs na svetovej elektronickej scéne.. Prinášame Vám krátke bio (po anglicky) tohto Dja, ktorý sa už onedlho predstaví u našich susedov vo Viedni na evente Gasometer.
In 2005 the Dutchman was the first DJ, who was able to sell out a solo stadium event for over 25,000 people. The „Number One DJ in the world" performed in front of billions of people at the official opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Athens.
With his countless awards, including 4 times winning the voting for „World's Best DJ" of UK's DJ Magazine, Tiesto is an eminently respectable and great DJ an producer. But that's not all, Tiesto also catched the US music market and managed it, to become one of the biggest names in trance music in the United States of America.
The promoters are very proud to present you the giant star Tiesto at Vienna's unique Gasometer.
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majka1822 6. 7. 2008 v 17:06
kto mi poradi kde sa daju kupit listky na tiesta ne vychode
sakalaka 11. 6. 2008 v 11:37
idemeeeeee, tesiiiiiiimeee tiesto is da best
Andrew Kotwa 30. 4. 2008 v 16:02
ani zadarmo ...
Patrick Flash 29. 4. 2008 v 15:17
kde sa daju kupit listky....???
redStone 25. 4. 2008 v 11:20
ide saaaaa.... VIP listky kupene, bude skvela party
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